10 things every business person should know about content strategy

I just viewed a great presentation by Melissa Rach called “10 things every business person should know about content strategy”. Whether you’re in the content creation biz or not, this is an excellent introduction to how you should be thinking about your content (if you’re not already).

Here are the “10 things” highlighted in the presentation:

  1. Treat content like a critical business asset.
  2. Content needs dedicated oversight.
  3. It’s never too early to think about content.
  4. Understand your content’s environment.
  5. Document your content ecosystem.
  6. Don’t underestimate the content creation effort.
  7. Ask why. Start small.
  8. Assemble the content team before the work begins.
  9. Content needs care and feeding.
  10. Be prepared for change.

There’s a lot of good stuff in Rach’s presentation. She works at Brain Traffic, where president Kristina Halvorson has written the book called Content Strategy for the Web. I plan to check out the book soon and will report my impressions here in the future.

(via justwriteclick)